Showing posts with label Security. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Security. Show all posts

Saturday, 10 March 2012

Passwords for IBM Remote Supervisor Adapter II

Ah IBM. Their Remote Supervisor Adapter II allows for the creation of up to 12 login ids. The problem is, when you create a password it doesn’t tell you if the password is too long. From trial and error, it seems that the maximum password length is 15 characters. I’ve looked at the source code of the page and I can see that the password field is restricted to that many characters (perhaps I should have saved myself a lot of trail and error testing by looking at the source first):

RSA II Password Length - HTML Code

Now 15 characters isn’t that bad (plenty of systems allow only 8 and it seems one UK bank only allows six). The problem is that it lets you think you have created a password with more than 15 characters – but it only stores the first 15 characters. So, if you set your password to a123456789012345 you can’t login using that password (however, you can login using a12345678901234). Imagine the consequences if this is the only log in account, and you don’t realise the 15 character limit.

Surely it couldn’t have been that hard for the programmer creating the page to have done a basic check and popped up an error message if the password is too long. After all a message does appear if the password doesn’t contain both alphabetic and non alphabetic characters:

RSA II Password Error
So, if they can pop up an error when the password isn’t complex then why can’t they pop up an error when the password is too long.

It’s just not good enough!

Rant on “Secure Invites”, Malware and Security

Yesterday my brother rang me to say that he was having a problem with his computer (a Toshiba laptop running Windows Vista). He’d been browsing the Internet and clicked yes when asked to install some software so he could view some files. Next think he knows, Internet Explorer is taking him to some website called and telling him that he’s got a Trojan installed (at least that bit is right) and to buy their security software.

Basically, Secure Invites is a browser hijacker or rogue security software that’s trying to sell rogue anti-spyware software.

While I was helping my brother, he asked why people can get away with this sort of thing. I told him the Internet is like the Wild West. But that’s no excuse. Companies shouldn’t be able to get away with this sort of thing. To me it appears to be fraud. Now, in Australia, there’s no doubt that this would be illegal under the deceptive and misleading conduct provisions of the Trace Practices Act. I don’t know where the parent company for Secure Invites reside but I have no doubt that the people behind it should be in gaol.

I searched the Internet for utilities that would remove Secure Invites. My search on Microsoft didn’t find anything (which is just not good enough). Google turned up a number of results. However, all of them where for domains I wasn’t familiar with. How could I know if a utility was legitimate or more malware? In the end I used SmithfraudFix. It had been listed on a couple of sites and I seemed to recall using it before. I sent my brother the instructions from this page and talked him through it.

We didn’t do the first step however – I asked my brother to back up his files before he did anything. His response – “How do I do that?” When I asked him if he had an external drive, things got a bit vague. In the end it became a case of trusting the removal software and hoping for the best.

So, what’s not good enough:
  • This software exists at all
  • The people who wrote it and make money from it aren’t being prosecuted
  • Windows didn’t protect my brother from this type of software
  • Anti-virus software didn’t protect my brother either
  • A search of Microsoft’s website didn’t help us
  • There was no way for us to verify the bona fides of those sites on the Internet offering a removal tool
  • It shouldn’t be so hard for your average computer illiterate user to back up their files

What’s the solution? I don’t know. But I don’t think it’s user education. Security awareness training has its place in limited situations (e.g. tips on creating secure passwords in combination with systems that will only accept complex passwords), but it’s not practical to educate everyone. Even if we sent every user on a security awareness course, it still wouldn’t work. Some people would still be fooled by a social engineering attack like Secure Invites.

Let's explore the Wild West metaphor I used with my brother. Back in the Wild West, there were plenty of conmen selling snake oil to the gullible. You might say we’re now smarter and don’t buy snake oil. But we do, it’s just that now it’s made out of crystals or just plain water.

So, back to my question, what’s the solution? Well I don’t think there’s a silver bullet. We could deputise a posse to hunt down, torture and string up the malware writers. Of course that might be a little unrealistic (and unethical – cruelty to animals isn’t acceptable).

Perhaps better anti-virus software will help – but based on the industry’s past efforts I think that’s unlikely. Could better designed and built operating systems help? Perhaps it’s an issue that can only be addressed by law enforcement agencies and regulatory authorities.

Who knows? All I know is that it’s just not good enough.